Depending on who you ask, wallpaper is either back in style or it never went out of fashion. If you're thinking of putting up wallpaper, you should know that it costs between $1 and $2.50 per square foot. Read on for more cost information.

Depending on who you ask, wallpaper is either back in style or it never went out of fashion. If you're thinking of putting up wallpaper, you should know that it costs between $1 and $2.50 per square foot. Read on for more cost information.
Considering adding radiant heating under your floors? It’s a nice added luxury for your bathroom or kitchen — but it's also an energy efficient way to heat your entire house. Here’s how much it’ll cost to install.
Lawn care can be hard work, especially in the summer heat. If you're considering paying someone else to mow your lawn and take care of other yard maintenance, here's a guide to how much that might cost.
Invisible electric fences are designed to keep pets in and danger out. They cost $15 to $50 per foot — or $850 to $1,500 total — to install in an average-sized yard. Cost varies based on your property size, number of pets and whether you do it yourself. Learn more here.
Setting up a home theater is easier than you might think. We have your go-to guide to getting a movie theater-quality experience in the comfort of your own home — and how much it'll cost.