Here's how much you should expect to spend on Nest doorbell installation — but you may be able to save some cash by doing the work yourself.

Here's how much you should expect to spend on Nest doorbell installation — but you may be able to save some cash by doing the work yourself.
Solar water heaters do have a relatively high upfront cost and won't necessarily be the right choice for every household. Here's how much a solar water heater costs and whether the potential savings on your utility and maintenance costs will make it a worthwhile investment.
Depending on the type of sunroom you install, expect to pay between $80 and $400 per square foot for installation. If you're considering a sunroom addition, read this guide to learn how much it might cost you.
Installing new light fixtures in your home can transform your living space. This guide explains the cost of installing light fixtures and what factors into an electrician’s quote.
If you've got a damaged water service line, the last thing you want right now is to be deluged by unexpectedly high service fees. Curious what it might cost? These figures should give you a ballpark idea of how much you can expect to pay in Texas.