Installing a whirlpool or jetted bathtub can bring a hefty cost, especially if you're going to hire a professional. Here’s everything you need to know about pricing.

Installing a whirlpool or jetted bathtub can bring a hefty cost, especially if you're going to hire a professional. Here’s everything you need to know about pricing.
The bathroom sink is a high-traffic, functional fixture your family uses several times a day. Expect to pay between $470 and $700 to replace it, or even less if you do it yourself. Here's a price breakdown for bathroom sink replacement.
If you're handy, you can install or replace a deadbolt yourself and lock in significant savings. All you'll have to pay for is the deadbolt itself, which typically costs $15 to $30. If you pay a professional to install it, expect to pay between $65 and $145, plus a service fee.
While waterproofing your basement can be expensive, the costs associated with refinishing your basement and replacing damaged goods in the event of a flood are usually much higher. Depending on what needs to be done, sealing your basement may cost several hundred dollars, or several thousand dollars. Learn more here.
The thought of having a swing on your front porch brings to mind an idyllic scene for many homeowners. Luckily, porch swings aren't all that expensive to install. Here's what you need to know.