The fast pace of holiday preparation can also lead to mishaps like falls from high places, Christmas tree fires and undercooked turkeys. Here's how to avoid some of the most common holiday-related accidents.

The fast pace of holiday preparation can also lead to mishaps like falls from high places, Christmas tree fires and undercooked turkeys. Here's how to avoid some of the most common holiday-related accidents.
If you plan to soak in your hot tub throughout the winter, you should take some time to get it ready for those colder months so you can avoid many common winter hot tub issues, like frozen pipes and reduced efficiency.
While they may seem complicated, garage doors are pretty simple to understand. If yours starts to malfunction, you’ll often be able to fix the problem yourself.
Metal roofing is as attractive as it is durable, but it can be incredibly expensive to install. Discover how to save money by learning how to install metal roofing yourself. Be warned: This is a project for the experienced DIYer.
From lights for your Christmas tree to wires for lighted decorations, knowing how to untangle wires and lights and store them correctly cuts down on your holiday stress.