Keys from room hotel on the door

Condo insurance is a bit different than renters or homeowners insurance. If you’re in the market for a condo, this guide should tell you everything you need to know about condo insurance.

recall product

Some 2 million dehumidifiers sold under well-known brand names from 2009 to 2017 by several major retailers are under recall for a fire hazard that has already resulted in more than 100 incidents and millions of dollars in property damage. According to the Aug. 4 recall alert from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the dehumidifiers — manufactured in China by New Widetech — can overheat and catch fire, posing burn hazards.

Modern Chandelier

While there's no doubt that updating your home's interior or exterior lighting can make it a more pleasant place to live, the question is whether doing so could boost your home’s resale value. Here’s what you should know.


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