How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Water Heater?

If your water heater is on the fritz and you wind up needing just a repair versus a total replacement, you’re in luck. The national average cost for water heater repairs is less than a third of what it would cost you for a total unit replacement. According to HomeServe data, the average water heater repair totals less than $500 compared with a replacement, which’ll run you more than $1,700 on average.
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Several variables will go into the calculation of what you’ll ultimately pay for your water heater repairs. First off, don’t forget to factor in an average $99 diagnostic fee — as the contractor you call almost certainly will charge you to show up and determine what’s wrong and how to fix it. Moreover, it’s likely that the problem will be the result of a combination of factors, which in turn will necessitate a combination of solutions carrying their own individual costs that, taken together, figure into the national average.
Read on for a rundown on the common causes of a water heater breakdown and their associated costs for repair, plus a state-by-state breakdown of average water heater repair costs to help you get an idea of what you should expect to pay where you live, all told.

For a broader look at water heater pricing, check out our cost guide covering pricing averages for both repair and replacement state by state. And for a deeper dive into what factors into how much you’ll pay to get your water heater replaced outright, go to our state-by-state replacement cost guide.
All figures are based on aggregated HomeServe data reported by our network of thousands of contractors across the nation. Where insufficient data was available to determine a verifiable average, we’ve noted so. Also note that HomeServe water heater data should generally be assumed to refer to conventional “tanked” models — the most common type — as opposed to tankless or “on-demand” models, which can cost roughly twice as much.
Common Parts Replacements Contributing to Water Heater Repair Costs
- Gas control valve: $303.38
- Gas flex: $91.40
- Gas shutoff valve: $99.22
- Hot and cold flex lines: $126.23
- Lower element: $147.70
- Lower thermostat: $142.58
- Pilot assembly: $198.17
- Pilot safety sensor: $201.11
- T&P or pressure relief valve: $149.79
- Thermocouple: $151.40
- Upper and lower element: $254.01
- Upper and lower thermostat: $251.44
- Upper element: $146.45
- Upper thermostat: $143.34
- T&P discharge tube: $59.59 per foot
National Average Total Cost for Water Heater Diagnosis, Repairs
- Diagnosis: $99
- Repair: $493
State by State Average Total Costs for Water Heater Diagnoses, Repairs
Find the average cost to diagnose and repair a water heater in your state, and compare that cost to other states, with the state-by-state breakdown below.
1. Alabama
- Diagnosis: $87
- Repair: $405
2. Alaska
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: Insufficient data
3. Arizona
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: Insufficient data
4. Arkansas
- Diagnosis: $78
- Repair: $318
5. California
- Diagnosis: $71
- Repair: $340
6. Colorado
- Diagnosis: $92
- Repair: $283
7. Connecticut
- Diagnosis: $59
- Repair: $509
8. Delaware
- Diagnosis: $74
- Repair: $319
9. District of Columbia
- Diagnosis: $87
- Repair: $398
10. Florida
- Diagnosis: $102
- Repair: $494
11. Georgia
- Diagnosis: $91
- Repair: $351
12. Hawaii
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: Insufficient data
13. Idaho
- Diagnosis: $87
- Repair: $454
14. Illinois
- Diagnosis: $87
- Repair: $357
15. Indiana
- Diagnosis: $82
- Repair: $290
16. Iowa
- Diagnosis: $85
- Repair: $261
17. Kansas
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $263
18. Kentucky
- Diagnosis: $88
- Repair: $310
19. Louisiana
- Diagnosis: $87
- Repair: $278
20. Maine
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: Insufficient data
21. Maryland
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $466
22. Massachusetts
- Diagnosis: $69
- Repair: $439
23. Michigan
- Diagnosis: $82
- Repair: $236
24. Minnesota
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $339
25. Mississippi
- Diagnosis: $80
- Repair: $246
26. Missouri
- Diagnosis: $83
- Repair: $332
27. Montana
- Diagnosis: $94
- Repair: $310
28. Nebraska
- Diagnosis: $92
- Repair: $274
29. Nevada
- Diagnosis: $59
- Repair: $197
30. New Hampshire
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: $468
31. New Jersey
- Diagnosis: $64
- Repair: $333
32. New Mexico
- Diagnosis: $74
- Repair: $484
33. New York
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $310
34. North Carolina
- Diagnosis: $89
- Repair: $364
35. North Dakota
- Diagnosis: $102
- Repair: $288
36. Ohio
- Diagnosis: $88
- Repair: $567
37. Oklahoma
- Diagnosis: $89
- Repair: $343
38. Oregon
- Diagnosis: $104
- Repair: $386
39. Pennsylvania
- Diagnosis: $76
- Repair: $515
40. Rhode Island
- Diagnosis: $81
- Repair: Insufficient data
41. South Carolina
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $295
42. South Dakota
- Diagnosis: $94
- Repair: $283
43. Tennessee
- Diagnosis: $82
- Repair: $398
44. Texas
- Diagnosis: $88
- Repair: $325
45. Utah
- Diagnosis: $76
- Repair: $360
46. Vermont
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: Insufficient data
47. Virginia
- Diagnosis: $84
- Repair: $295
48. Washington
- Diagnosis: $89
- Repair: $261
49. West Virginia
- Diagnosis: $81
- Repair: $393
50. Wisconsin
- Diagnosis: $81
- Repair: $326
51. Wyoming
- Diagnosis: Insufficient data
- Repair: $271
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