Bathtub reglazing or refinishing costs significantly less than a full tub replacement. By applying a new layer of epoxy paint to your bathtub, you can make it look brand new again. Here’s how to do it.

Bathtub reglazing or refinishing costs significantly less than a full tub replacement. By applying a new layer of epoxy paint to your bathtub, you can make it look brand new again. Here’s how to do it.
If you've been toying with the idea of constructing an in-law suite or other accessory dwelling unit, you've almost certainly wondered how much it will set you back. Here’s what you need to know.
So, you're just calculating roof repair costs when, seemingly out of nowhere, a contractor knocks on your door and tells you they can fix the damage at no cost to you. Who is this person who's showed up to fix the roof? And should you let them?
Figuring out how to open a swimming pool can be a real headache. Fortunately, a bit of know-how and the right chemicals can make opening your pool quick and straightforward. Use this step-by-step guide.
Outdoor, wood-fired, brick pizza ovens are a good choice for pizza lovers who want a stylish-looking oven that produces great results. But how much does it cost to build one, and are they worth the money? Here’s what you need to know.
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